Radial velocity prospects current and future: A white paper report prepared by the Study Analysis Group 8 for the Exoplanet Program Analysis Group (ExoPAG)
Plavchan, Peter; Latham, Dave; Gaudi, Scott; Crepp, Justin; Dumusque, Xavier; Furesz, Gabor; Vanderburg, Andrew; Blake, Cullen; Fischer, Debra; Prato, Lisa; White, Russel; Makarov, Valeri; Marcy, Geoff; Stapelfeldt, Karl; Haywood, Raphaëlle; Collier-Cameron, Andrew; Quirrenbach, Andreas; Mahadevan, Suvrath; Anglada, Guillem; Muirhead, Philip
In this white paper report, we present an assessment of the current capabilities and the future
potential of the precise radial velocity (PRV) method to advance the NASA goal to “search for
planetary bodies and Earth-like planets in orbit around other stars.” (U.S. National Space Policy,
June 28, 2010). PRVs complement other exoplanet detection methods, for example offering a
direct path to obtaining the bulk density and thus the structure and composition of transiting