Solid waste management and social inclusion of waste pickers: opportunities and challenges
Marello, Marta; Helwege, Ann
In this paper we explore the opportunities and challenges inherent in the model of cooperation between municipal solid waste systems (MWSs) and waste picker
cooperatives (WPCs). There is growing enthusiasm about waste picker inclusion, often as
part of ‘integrated solid waste management.’ The World Bank and the InterAmerican
Development Bank, for example, have both funded projects to support waste picker
integration into formal sector recycling. Advocacy organizations such as WIEGO have
called for an intensification of such efforts through access to credit and technology, as
well as through partnerships to collect recyclables in underserved communities. These
measures have given many waste pickers higher standards of living, economic security
and a sense of inclusion in society. [TRUNCATED]
This repository item contains a working paper from the Boston University Global Economic Governance Initiative. The Global Economic Governance Initiative (GEGI) is a research program of the Center for Finance, Law & Policy, the Frederick S. Pardee Center for the Study of the Longer-Range Future, and the Frederick S. Pardee School of Global Studies. It was founded in 2008 to advance policy-relevant knowledge about governance for financial stability, human development, and the environment.