2013 REU Poster: Development of SERS-Based Metabolic Profiling Method for Leukemia Cells
Ansah, Maureen
Metabolic profiling, or the study of low molecular weight intermediates, as a result of activation of tu-morigenesis pathways; has been found to be an important and successful measurement for the pathological state of cells, i.e. leukemia cell. SERS-based method provides us an alternative, ultra-sensitive label-free method to study the cancer cells metabolites. Abnormal metabolite molecules can be identified with comparison to the spectra of non-cancerous cells. The identity of these molecules can be confirmed by comparison with modeling compounds.
Poster presentation at REU Summer's End Research Symposium, 2013, by REU participant Maureen Ansah, Sergeant Reynolds Community College - Larry Ziegler group, Melissa Chen lab mentor